Halloween Safety Month is the month of October, and we’re going to arm you with safety tips and instructions so you can have a safe Halloween. Halloween is a celebration of imaginative costumes, trick-or-treating, and jack-o’-lanterns. Unfortunately, it is also a time when accidents occur, so it is critical that we understand the Do’s & Don’t’s of Halloween.
Why Do We Observe Halloween Safety Month?
- During Halloween, there is an increase in traffic accidents. In their excitement, children are prone to being careless when crossing streets. As a result, it is critical for parents to teach their children basic road rules before they go trick-or-treating.Drivers should also exercise extra caution on Halloween.
- There is a high risk of fires. During Halloween parties, there is always a high risk of fire. As a result, it is critical that the Halloween costumes you purchase are made of high-quality, fire-resistant material.
- Candies could be dangerous. People have been more cautious than ever since the infamous Candy Man incident in 1972, in which a father killed his son by giving him cyanide-laced candy. An adult should always accompany children who go trick-or-treating. Candies must be thoroughly inspected before being distributed to children.
And most importantly…
- Every year, hundreds of eye injuries caused by costumes and masks are treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms.See below for more tips on what to wear or not wear at Halloween to protect your eyes!
Costume Safety
- Avoid masks, wigs, floppy hats, and eye patches that obscure vision.
- Tie hats and scarves securely to prevent them from falling over children’s eyes.
- To avoid tripping or falling, avoid wearing costumes that drag on the ground.
- Avoid using pointed props like spears, swords, or wands that could harm other children’s eyes.
- Wear bright, reflective clothing or use reflective tape/patches to decorate costumes and bags.
- Bring a bright flashlight with you to improve visibility.
- While wearing a costume, do not ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, or roller blade.
- Follow all traffic signals, both pedestrian and driver.
- While trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, younger children should be accompanied by an adult. Older kids should go trick-or-treating in groups.
- Use your common sense. Never dart out between parked cars or into hidden areas like alleys. Avoid streets under construction.
- Avoid trick-or-treating in busy commercial areas or areas with heavy traffic.
- It is safer to go trick-or-treating during the day than after dark.
- Instead of trick-or-treating, consider attending a Halloween party.
Observing Halloween Safety Month
Here are some great ideas for participating in Halloween Safety Month!
- Conduct workshops for parents and children to teach them the importance of following Halloween safety guidelines. Some of the tips that should be shared include ensuring that the costumes are fire-resistant, inspecting the candies before eating them, and not venturing into unknown houses or buildings.
- Create articles or short social media posts informing people about Halloween Safety Month. Make use of the hashtag #HalloweenSafetyMonth to reach a larger audience.
- Halloween safety tips aren’t just for parents and children. During Halloween, the streets are congested with children, increasing the likelihood of vehicular accidents. As a result, motorists, cyclists, and bikers must exercise extreme caution during Halloween. Distribute fliers to motorists at traffic lights and cafes to raise awareness about Halloween safety.
For more helpful eye care and vision care tips, please visit our main blog page.
Sources: National Today and Prevent Blindness
Image by Victoria_rt from Pixabay
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