July is Ultraviolet Safety Month

July is Ultraviolet Safety Month

Summer is in full swing here on the west coast and we are having extremely sunny weather. Are you protecting yourself from UV risks? The U/S. Department of Health and Human Services has named July as Ultraviolet Safety month! So what exactly does that mean?...
Vision Care Can Change Your Life

Vision Care Can Change Your Life

Vision Health Going the eye doctor regularly is important. Having regular eye exams can help keep your vision strong and healthy. Many people think their eyesight is just fine until they get glasses or contact lenses and everything comes into view. Over 12 million...
Protective Eyewear

Protective Eyewear

Injury is a leading cause of blindness in children in the US. Most of these injuries occur while kids are playing sports. Thankfully, most sporting injuries can be prevented by wearing protective eyewear. Check out these sports eye safety tips! WEARING PROTECTIVE...