June is Cataract Awareness Month!

June is Cataract Awareness Month!

Everyone should know that the leading cause of blindness can be restored with the proper treatment! Cataract Awareness Month PreventBlindnessAmerica declared the month of June as Cataract Awareness Month. There are currently more than 24 million Americans age 40 and...
Springtime is Eye Allergy Season

Springtime is Eye Allergy Season

Eye Allergy Season Springtime brings budding flowers and trees that are so pretty to look at, but its hard to see them through swollen red itchy eyes! Springtime is eye allergy season. The usual suspect is pollen but it can also be dust mites, dust and pet dander that...
Healthy Vision Month

Healthy Vision Month

CDC – May is Healthy Vision Month – Vision Health Initiative (VHI You should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam to check for common eye problems annually. If you haven’t had an exam in a while, schedule one now! Your eyes should be a priority just like...