Sunglasses Shopping Guide

Sunglasses Shopping Guide

People sometimes buy sunglasses the way they buy the rest of their fashion accessories: New pair every spring with an emphasis on fashion over function. They often don’t forget about being in the sun and the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. While doctors advise...
Spring Time Red Eyes: Allergies or Pink Eye?

Spring Time Red Eyes: Allergies or Pink Eye?

Spring is officially here and that has many people hopeful warm weather will arrive soon. But often times the change in weather brings on those red, puffy, itchy eyes. Is it Pink Eye or is it Allergies? Pink eye and allergies can come on with similar symptoms and it...
Color Vision Deficiency

Color Vision Deficiency

Color vision deficiency is the inability to distinguish certain shades of color or in more severe cases, see colors at all. The term “color blindness” is also used to describe this visual condition, but very few people are completely color blind. Most people with...


Acanthamoeba is one of the most ubiquitous organisms in the environment, but rarely causes infections. When infection does occur, however, it can be extremely serious and vision threatening. Recently, there have been multiple reports of increasing incidence of...